Sunday, March 22, 2009

Aretha Franklin's Sweet Millinery Treat

We just happened to be at the right place and the right time recently and got wind of a little tidbit about the Queen of Soul's big day in Detroit.

Ms. Franklin celebrated her birthday Saturday, March 21, at Seldom Blues. If you know Detroit, you know that Seldom Blues offers an exquisite dining and entertaining experience.

The story is that Ms. Franklin's birthday cake was flown into Detroit in four pieces a day before the big event. Two pastry chefs are said to have flown in to make sure the cake was assembled properly. Of course!

The cake turned out to be a replica of the hat Ms. Franklin wore in January when she sang at the inauguration of President Barack Obama. You know, that hat the has made

Now that's a sweet birthday treat.

I did attend one of Ms. Franklin's parties years ago. I would have loved to be in the crowd for this one.

Ahh, maybe next year! And if Ms. Franklin invites me, I'll whip up a scrumptious jewelry ensemble to match her hat, coat or whatever she wants.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mah Jongg Jewelry is Ever So Hot

It has been amazing watching Mah Jongg players snatch up every piece of theme-related jewelry that can find.

I had no idea it would be so popular. I remember purchasing my first mah jongg beads. I knew nothing about the game, but saw these intriguing symbols and thought the bone beads would make nice earrings.

Lo and behold, in those Ebay days, customers snapped then right up.

It has been no letting up since then, and it seems every week a new jewelry designer is offering something with a mah jongg flair.

I love being part of the evolution.

Don't get me wrong, I love my other gemstone designs. Yet, there is a special place in me heart for those customers who just can't get enough of their mahj!

Visit the site at and stay tuned for more conversations about Gehazi Collections Contemporary Gemstone and Mah Jongg Collections.

Stay tuned!

Sandra Davis
Gehazi Collections